Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
R. Williams G Rashad Williams G 29 16 30.6 17.7 167 413 40.4 104 257 40.5 75 91 82.4
K. Milton G Kylen Milton G 29 29 31.8 17.0 144 285 50.5 34 97 35.1 171 232 73.7
J. French G Joe French G 31 31 32.7 15.1 150 390 38.5 109 269 40.5 58 70 82.9
L. Martin Jr. G Lonnell Martin Jr. G 31 31 29.6 10.4 89 232 38.4 47 139 33.8 96 105 91.4
I. Plet F Ismael Plet F 31 24 24.4 7.5 91 155 58.7 1 1 100.0 50 80 62.5
J. McCloud G Jyre McCloud G 11 1 16.7 5.2 25 41 61.0 0 1 0.0 7 8 87.5
R. Lewis F Robert Lewis F 27 10 16.4 4.7 50 85 58.8 3 15 20.0 23 35 65.7
C. Stokes F Caleb Stokes F 18 0 6.8 4.2 31 63 49.2 8 29 27.6 6 11 54.5
T. Ware G Trejon Ware G 31 12 18.3 3.4 36 73 49.3 8 21 38.1 24 36 66.7
K. McColley G Kaine McColley G 28 1 9.6 2.2 20 52 38.5 15 43 34.9 7 11 63.6
Z. Reinhart G Zach Reinhart G 16 0 6.8 1.9 10 32 31.3 8 26 30.8 3 3 100.0
Team 31 80.1 813 1821 44.6 337 898 37.5 520 682 76.2
Opponents 31 81.8 915 2011 45.5 234 768 30.5 472 657 71.8

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
R. Lewis F Robert Lewis F 27 10 27 64 91 3.4 7 0.30 23 0.90
I. Plet F Ismael Plet F 31 24 67 163 230 7.4 21 0.70 16 0.50
K. Milton G Kylen Milton G 29 29 38 154 192 6.6 34 1.20 9 0.30
L. Martin Jr. G Lonnell Martin Jr. G 31 31 10 99 109 3.5 21 0.70 7 0.20
Z. Reinhart G Zach Reinhart G 16 0 2 18 20 1.3 4 0.30 3 0.20
J. McCloud G Jyre McCloud G 11 1 22 24 46 4.2 7 0.60 1 0.10
J. French G Joe French G 31 31 21 82 103 3.3 28 0.90 3 0.10
C. Stokes F Caleb Stokes F 18 0 7 23 30 1.7 1 0.10 2 0.10
K. McColley G Kaine McColley G 28 1 7 27 34 1.2 4 0.10 2 0.10
T. Ware G Trejon Ware G 31 12 5 58 63 2.0 32 1.00 0 0.00
R. Williams G Rashad Williams G 29 16 5 49 54 1.9 24 0.80 1 0.00
Team 31 261 812 1174 37.9 183 5.90 67 2.20
Opponents 31 374 814 1280 41.3 222 7.20 104 3.40

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
T. Ware G Trejon Ware G 31 12 97 3.1 50 1.6 1.9
R. Williams G Rashad Williams G 29 16 87 3.0 78 2.7 1.1
K. Milton G Kylen Milton G 29 29 83 2.9 60 2.1 1.4
L. Martin Jr. G Lonnell Martin Jr. G 31 31 83 2.7 63 2.0 1.3
J. French G Joe French G 31 31 35 1.1 48 1.5 0.7
I. Plet F Ismael Plet F 31 24 32 1.0 44 1.4 0.7
Z. Reinhart G Zach Reinhart G 16 0 11 0.7 5 0.3 2.2
K. McColley G Kaine McColley G 28 1 16 0.6 11 0.4 1.5
R. Lewis F Robert Lewis F 27 10 14 0.5 24 0.9 0.6
C. Stokes F Caleb Stokes F 18 0 6 0.3 12 0.7 0.5
J. McCloud G Jyre McCloud G 11 1 3 0.3 7 0.6 0.4
Team 31 467 15.1 413 13.3 1.1
Opponents 31 510 16.5 362 11.7 1.4
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