Update: It shouldn't come as a surprise, but Baylor's worst fears about quarterback Seth Russell's injury have been confirmed. On Sunday, the Bears released a statement that Russell would miss the rest of the season with a fractured left ankle.

"Seth worked so hard to come back from the neck injury, and it's not about losing the talent and production at quarterback, it's more just like having one of your own children hurt," acting coach Jim Grobe said in a statement. "It breaks your heart to see a really, really good guy get hurt like that. Just really, really sad because you love the kid so much."

Russell posted the following message on Instagram after sustaining his injury.

Counting my blessings tonight because things could have been a lot worse. This isn't the end..I will be back! 🏈

A photo posted by Seth Russell (@sethrussell17) on

Original story

A piece of heartfelt advice. As you're making your way around the internet, if you come across video of the injury Baylor quarterback Seth Russell suffered on Saturday against Oklahoma -- don't watch it.

Take it from me, as I've seen it.

As Russell was on the move and trying to evade defenders, his left leg became caught under an Oklahoma player, and when Russell twisted and was pulled to the ground, his leg did something it was not designed to do.

Initial reports from Baylor are that Russell has suffered a dislocated ankle, and that he's undergoing x-rays.

I'm not a doctor, nor have I ever studied to be one, but based on what I saw I can't help but believe the x-rays will show it's more than a dislocated ankle.

After the injury, medical personnel quickly made their way onto the field to deal with Russell. He had his left leg placed in an air cast before being loaded onto a cart to be driven off the field.

Before leaving the field, Russell shook hands with both teammates and Oklahoma players wishing him the best.

Russell missed Baylor's final six games of the 2015 season due to a broken neck.