Andray Blatche in uniform again. (Getty Images)
The Wizards say they're shutting down Andray Blatche. But really, he's been shut down pretty much the entire season anyway. Might as well make it official.

Washington was able to dump one headache, but couldn't find a taker for the other. So they're just going to take matters into their own hands. Via the Washington Post, the Wizards are shutting down Blatche until he "gets in better shape." Whenever that may be:

After watching Andray Blatche labor through the past nine games and struggle to contribute, Wizards Coach Randy Wittman announced on Tuesday that he would shut down the 6-foot-11 forward until he is in better condition. Blatche missed more than a month with a strained left calf but has averaged just 5.1 points on 37.7 percent shooting and 3.3 rebounds in about 16 minutes since he returned.

“We thought we could maybe try to play him into shape once he got back,” Wittman said. “After looking at it, it’s unfair for me to put him in that position. and I think what we’re going to do, we’re going to probably not play him for a while, get him on a program here, where he can really go after it from a conditioning standpoint to get himself back into shape. It’s not fair for me to do that to the kid.”

Translated: Blatche is terrible right now and by shutting him down until he "gets in shape," we really mean he's probably done for the season. Wittman handled his comments very professionally, but what he's essentially saying is that Blatche isn't helping matters in Washington so it's best to keep him off the floor while the team tries to change its identity and culture with John Wall and new guy Nene.

There's a good chance Blatche might not ever play again in Washington too. The Wizards very well could amnesty him (he's owed $23 million over the next three years) and try and just completely wash their hands of the JaVale McGee - Andray Blatche era.

It's probably the right move for a team that isn't going anywhere. Blatche has been killing the team and with morale so low that he's booed nearly every time he touches the ball at home, just "shutting him down" is a wise move as the team starts another rebuild. Give the minutes to another player that isn't battling weight issues along with any reasonably apparent desire to be on the floor.

On the season, Blatche has been incredibly disappointing averaging just 8.5 points and 5.8 rebounds a game.