Jeff Fisher isn't happy that ESPN reported on Michael Sam's showering habits. (USATSI)
Jeff Fisher isn't happy that ESPN reported on Michael Sam's showering habits. (USATSI)

Rams coach Jeff Fisher isn't happy with ESPN following a report on Tuesday that focused on Michael Sam's showering habits. Fisher called the network 'unethical' and even accused them of 'manufacturing' the story. 

"I'm extremely disappointed in her piece," Fisher told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Wednesday. "I think it's unethical. I think it's very, very unprofessional. Not only the piece itself, the content. The manner in which she did it."

During a SportsCenter segment on Tuesday, ESPN cut to reporter Josina Anderson, who offered up comments on Sam's showering habits, comments that she was given by an anonymous player.  

"Another defensive player told me Sam is 'respecting our space' and from his perspective he seems to think Michael Sam is kind of waiting to take a shower so as to not make his teammates feel uncomfortable," Anderson said during the segment.

ESPN has since apologized for the report and network president John Skipper even took the time to call Fisher about it. 

"We appreciate John Skipper reaching out to us and apologizing, and their willingness to communicate and work through this with us," Fisher said.

However, that might not be enough. Not only is Fisher mad at Anderson for the showering incident, but he's not happy with the way she got her information. 

"We have a media policy, and we're very flexible," Fisher said. "We have open practices. Players are available. We have open locker rooms. She was out of line because she went and contacted several players on their personal time. Misled them with questions and then put this piece together."

Fisher even went as far as to say that Anderson 'manufactured' the story. 

"Obviously she came in, in all likelihood to see if there was gonna be a roster move at the 75 cutdown as it relates to Mike Sam," Fisher said. "That didn't happen. But she needed to do something, and it's my understanding that she manufactured this story.

You can see the entire segment below.