Obamanu was involved in a kerfuffle with two of his teammatesThursday. (US Presswire)
Apparently, the recent acquisition of Kellen Winslow has put the Seahawks in a fighting mood.

Normally, we wouldn’t mention teammate fights during practice because they’re so commonplace and because they usually blow over a few minutes after they’re started. (The exception, of course, is when a fight reportedly forces the coaching staff to ban one of the players from practice).

But when there are fisticuffs among multiple players, it’s too tempting not to mention the incident.

Which brings us to Thursday’s near-brawl between Seattle receiver Ben Obomanu and rookie cornerback Jeremy Lane. According to the Tacoma News Tribune, the two had to be separated after the whistle blew. But that didn’t stop safety Earl Thomas from swinging at Obomanu as he walked away.

That action forced Seahawks receivers Doug Baldwin and Mike Williams to defend Obomanu, and the action ended with the receivers and defensive backs talking trash to one another. Then, the incident was over.

“We’re asking these guys to work really hard, and it really matters to them and they really care,” coach Pete Carroll said. “And they want to make their plays and their statements, and I don’t blame them one bit.

“But there is a line that you can't cross, and that’s what we talked about afterward. We want to be able to take it as far as you can and demonstrate the poise when you need to most.”

So, what about the man who’s to blame for this mess -- Winslow, obviously. (And obviously, I’m joking.) After Winslow was traded to Seattle from Tampa Bay for a seventh-round pick, how’s the tight end fitting in with his new fight-minded teammates?

“He’s got some health issues that we’re going to deal with to make sure we monitor them really well, so he can play his best,” Carroll said. “We’re absolutely tuned into it, and we know a lot about the history. We’ll learn a lot more.

“But we think it’s such a fantastic addition because he can make things happen. He can make plays. He should be a big factor on third down and in the red zone.”

No word on which side of the fight Winslow was on during Thursday’s practice, though we can assume he would have been with his offensive mates. But here’s a brilliant idea. The next time the Seahawks receivers tangle with Seattle’s defensive backs, the loser of the brawl will be forced to clean the animal waste out of Winslow’s house.

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