Aside from Redskins coach Mike Shanahan taking a beating for keeping a clearly-injured Robert Griffin III in last week’s wild-card game before he damaged his ACL and LCL (he had successful surgery Wednesday), the team also has been criticized for the condition of the field.

The agent for Seattle's Chris Clemons blamed the shoddy surface of FedEx Field for causing Clemons to tear his ACL, and it probably didn’t help Griffin, already dealing with a sprained LCL.

Luckily for us, Seahawks fullback Michael Robinson is here to tell us (and show us!) the terrible field condition. He took video of the field before the game and then put it all over the Interwebs (via Sportsradio KJR) to give us transparent journalism at its finest.

“The soil over here is bad, man,” Robinson said as he pointed his camera at his feet. “This is terrible. This is terrible. … I’m surprised they didn’t dump sand in the middle.”

You can hear his teammates around him inspecting the field and describing how the supposed grass was really just painted dirt.

You can see Robinson pawing at the surface with his foot before chuckling and saying, “This is crazy.”

It’s also embarrassing for the Redskins. Hopefully the league and the team can figure out a way to keep the turf in good shape when players’ careers and ability to earn a paycheck are at stake.

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