Text messages strongly suggest Louisville co-offensive coordinator Lonnie Galloway, who was suspended for receiving information about Wake Forest's game plan, met with former Wake radio analyst Tommy Elrod the night before the Cardinals played the Demon Deacons.

In response to a CBS Sports open-records request, Louisville on Friday provided a brief summary of text messages between Galloway and Elrod on Nov. 11, 2016. Galloway initiated the communication at 7:19 p.m. with words that Louisville redacted except for the location of the message.

  • Elrod at 8:37 p.m.: "On way now."
  • Galloway at 8:48 p.m.: "OK. Sitting by fire pit."
  • Elrod at 8:59 p.m.: "Outside?"

Phone records for Galloway showed he initiated a 25-minute call with Elrod on Nov. 9, three days before the game. The length of the call was by far the longest Galloway had with anyone that week. CBS Sports independently verified the phone number belonged to Elrod.

Louisville declined to comment Friday or make Galloway available for comment. Attempts to reach Elrod were unsuccessful.

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The so-called Wakeyleaks investigation, one of the strangest stories in recent college football history, began after the Demon Deacons' 44-12 loss at Louisville on Nov. 12. Wake Forest announced that, a day before the game, a member of Wake Forest's travel party discovered documents related to the Demon Deacons' game plan left behind at Papa John's Cardinal Stadium.

On Dec. 14, Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich acknowledged that Galloway received information from Elrod and expressed disappointment the issue had brought "undue attention" to Louisville's staff.

"Among the communication were a few plays that were sent and then shared with our defensive staff," Jurich said at the time. "None of the special plays were run during the course of the game. Our defense regularly prepares for similar formations every week in their normal game plan."

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Two days later, after national backlash over his response, Jurich suspended Galloway for the Citrus Bowl.

"It is clear to me that the information should not have been shared by anyone at Wake Forest, and it should not have been received by anyone at the University of Louisville," Jurich said. "Although no one from Louisville sought the information, once it was provided, we did not do what should have been done. The information should not have been accepted. It should have been rejected, and officials at Wake Forest should have been alerted to the inappropriate action taken by Mr. Elrod."

The ACC fined Louisville and Virginia Tech $25,000 each for receiving game-plan information from Elrod and identified Army as another team that obtained plays. Georgia assistant coach Shane Beamer, a former Hokies assistant, admitted receiving plays from Elrod in 2014.

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Before Beamer was identified as having accepted information, CBS Sports requested any written communication between Virginia Tech football staff members and Elrod around the time of the Wake Forest-Virginia Tech game. Virginia Tech said it had no records related to the request.

CBS Sports requested all written communication between Army football staff members and Elrod around the time of the Wake Forest-Army games in 2014 and 2016. Army said on Dec. 28 the records were still being reviewed during an open investigation conducted by a U.S. Army officer.

"Given the seriousness of these claims, it is important that all the facts and findings are gathered and analyzed to determine what action, if any, is warranted," Army said in a statement on Dec. 17.

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