Andrew Bynum sees no evil, hears no evil when it comes to Mike Brown's huddles. (Getty Images)

Andrew Bynum was benched last week after he hosited a three and then failed to recover defensively. The big man bounced back nicely before spraining his ankle Sunday against the Warriors. But Bynum also told reporters after a harrowing win over the lowly Hornets (who, it should be noted, play their faces off each night for Monty Williams and considering injuries aren't nearly as bad as their record indicates) that his concern for head coach Mike Brown's huddles is... somewhat lacking. From the Los Angeles Times

Kobe Bryant missed his first 15 shots, and so a reporter asked Bynum what Kobe was like in the huddle during timeouts?

"I don't know," Bynum said with his characteristic cavalier attitude. "I don't take part in the huddles."

Another reporter reacted with disbelief, asking why not.

"I'm resting," Bynum said. "Getting my Zen on."

via Lakers need a tuneup, but are they tuning out Coach Mike Brown? -

So that's nice. It's always good for your franchise center to blatantly be referencing his former coach who actually didn't emphasize him as much and tuning out his current coach. The article also references Bynum actively ignoring Brown's efforts to speak with him before the game. 

Here's the really bizarre thing about Bynum's approach here. Under Phil Jackson last season, Bynum averaged 11.9 possessions per game according to Synergy Sports, factoring turnovers, shots, assists, and fouls drawn. This season that number is up to 18.7. So year over year, Bynum is getting the ball at least even more times a game, and that number doesn't even calculate how many touches he's getting with the offense being run through him.

So Bynum is scoffing at being involved in huddles when his coach is talking, and disrespecting his coach by saying despite what Brown wants he's still going to shoot threes, and yet he's doing this despite Brown having made him a much larger part of the offense. 

Talk about kicking a gift horse in the mouth. 

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