More: Cavs win lottery - now what? | Full draft coverage

The Cleveland Cavaliers won the 2014 NBA Draft lottery on Tuesday. They will pick first overall for the third time in four years. Obviously, Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving was happy.

Cleveland owner Dan Gilbert wasn't even watching.

Quincy Miller made a bold prediction.

A lot of people probably agree with Ty Lawson's take.

Kendall Marshall had an interesting theory.

Kevin Seraphin was also incredulous.

Patrick Patterson saw the whole thing coming.

DeMarcus Cousins didn't exactly predict it, but...

Bismack Biyombo, on the other hand, did not see it coming.

This probably isn't enough to call Isaiah Canaan a conspiracy theorist, right?

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And finally, Johnny Manziel is already looking forward to hanging out with Andrew Wiggins.