Kobe Bryant reportedly wants Derek Fisher back by his side next year. (Getty Images)
The Lakers just aren't who they used to be. After consecutive titles followed by a dispiriting sweep in last year's Finals, the Lakers have moved on dramatically as an organization. Any and all influence of Phil Jackson has been erased. Lamar Odom was traded in the preseason, either because of his displeasure over being involved in the vetoed Chris Paul trade or for financial reasons depending on who you believe. And Derek Fisher. The .04 man himself, the spiritual and emotional leader of the team, was jettisoned at the trade deadline for Jordan Hill. It's clear the Lakers organization wants to move on. 

Kobe Bryant? Not so much.

From NBA.com:  

Kobe Bryant is planning a hard push to recruit Derek Fisher and Lamar Odom back to the Lakers as free agents in the summer, a source familiar with Bryant’s thinking told NBA.com as Fisher prepares to return to Staples Center as a member of the Thunder.

Whether either would be receptive is unclear – Fisher and Odom loved their seasons in Los Angeles, but were hurt to be traded within the last 3 ½ months. It is known, however, that Bryant plans to use his close friendship with both to convince them that a reunion is in everyone’s best interest, bruised egos and all.

via Kobe Wants Odom, Fisher Back « NBA.com | Hang Time Blog.

Doesn't seem like too big of a deal. Fisher would likely be willing to return for the veteran's minimum. Odom's contract is only partially guaranteed for next season and he could probably talk his way into a buyout. He took less money than he was worth on the open market last time to play with L.A.. Why not do it a second time?

The bigger question is if L.A. management would go for it. They have made it clear they're moving on. Going back on that just to appease Bryant wouldn't be unheard of, but it also doesn't fit their pattern. They didn't clear their coaching hire with Bryant, nor either trade with the legend. The organization's philosophy is that the team comes before the talent. No other Gods before Buss, so to speak. 

Beyond that, the report is once again concerning because it's Lakers players making their own plans for what they want, seemingly independent of ownership. Even if ownership is on board with the idea, there's no reason for Bryant to allow that information to be leaked that he's behind it. It only serves to destabilize an unstable situation.  

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