During the preseason showdown between the Los Angeles Clippers and Toronto Raptors, Jamal Crawford lost his shoe, lost his dribble, and was just trying to find a teammate to pass to. At the same time, Blake Griffin had grabbed his teammate's shoe and decided he needed to get it off the court quickly. This is pretty typical whenever a shoe gets loose on the court. A player will grab it and toss it aside.

This should probably be a flagrant-1, right? Fox Sports

One problem with that. Griffin didn't look where he was throwing the shoe. As he tried to toss it off the court, he hit Raptors guard Cory Joseph directly with the shoe. This caused everybody to start quoting Austin Powers left and right.

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This plus Griffin going 2-of-3 from the 3-point line showed a few new things people weren't expecting Griffin to hit. He clearly worked on expanding his game this offseason.