'Hey guys, can you sit down, I've got some big news.' (USATSI)

Apparently, when Buffalo Bills coach Doug Marrone decided to opt-out of his contract on Wednesday, he didn't tell any of his players beforehand. 

After the news became official, Bills players took to Twitter and sounded as surprised as anyone. 

Let's start with tight end Chris Gragg, who was the first player to react. 

Bills tight ends are clearly quick tweeters because the next reaction also came from a tight end. 

'Dang' and 'Wow' are fun, but let's get to the player who are actually kind of mad, like safety Aaron Williams. 

Offensive lineman Eric Wood was also surprised. 

'Wow' seemed to be the popular reaction. 

C.J. Spiller seems a little mad that no one told him about this beforehand. 

Then we have wide receiver Chris Hogan. 

Then we have EJ Manuel and Kraig Urbik, who tweeted 'Happy New Year.' Because of the timing of the tweets, I'm guessing it was done ironically. 

Or not. 

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Either way this one isn't ironic: Happy New Year everyone!