The San Diego Chargers and Dallas Cowboys come into Saturday night’s game with a combined 30 players nicked up. The Cowboys injury list shows 20 players out and includes eight starters. LT Mike Harris (undrafted, UCLA) will receive his second start of the preseason for San Diego. Harris will catch a break with LB DeMarcus Ware out for the Cowboys.

Chargers not expected to play: DT Garrett Brown, G-T Brandyn Dombrowski, LT Jared Gaither, CB Marcus Gilchrist, DT Antonio Garay, WR Richard Goodman, RB Ryan Mathews, WR Eddie Royal, S Darrell Stuckey, and G Johnnie Troutman.

Chargers expected starting lineup changes: DT Aubrayo Franklin for DT Antonio Garay, LT Mike Harris for Jared Gaither and RB Ronnie Brown for Ryan Mathews

Cowboys not expected to play: WR Miles Austin, WR Danny Coale, C Phil Costa, RB Lance Dunbar, LB Isaiah Greenhouse, WR Saalim Hakim, DT Jason Hatcher, CB Mike Jenkins, S Matt Johnson, C-G Kevin Kowalski, G Nate Livings, G Bill Nagy, LB Caleb McSurdy, T Jermey Parnell, NT Jay Ratliff, LB Anthony Spencer, RB Phillip Tanner, LB DeMarcus Ware, LB Kyle Wilber and TE Jason Witten.

Cowboys expected starters who are out: Austin, Costa, Hatcher, Livings, Jenkins, Spencer, Ware and Witten.

The Cowboys did not release a list of who is expected to play in place of starters.

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