The tackle position on both side of the ball went untouched by Chicago Bears GM Phil Emery in his first off-season of work, but he seems to have addressed at least part of this problem with the acquisition of defensive tackle Brian Price Thursday from Tampa Bay for a 2013 draft pick.

In Price, the Bears are getting a second-round talent from the 2010 draft who has 14 starts and three sacks. In a way, he represents Emery's willingless to take a chance by acquiring talented players who might have had some sort of past issue, injury-wise or character-wise.

Price reportedly got into a fight with a teammate during the Bucs' off-season work, had also been reported to have missed several workouts while trying to cope with the loss of his sister in a May hit-and-run accident.

"He's had a tough go of it with family issues, obviously with his sister passing away he has had a hard time in the transition," Emery said. "It's a player that needs a new home."

The reason the Bears wanted him is mainly because of his fit for their scheme and their own need to find someone who can push or beat out starters Henry Melton and Matt Toeaina, and backup Stephen Paea.

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The Bears use the one-gap approach up front and try to pressure constantly.
"He is a penetration, explosive, get off the mark, get into gaps and cause disruption-type player," Emery said. "He can fit."

Price also had hamstring surgeries on both legs and to his pelvis after the 2010 season but appears to be recovered.

Emery appears to have a knack for leaving no stone unturned in seeking out talent, even if it means overlooking some past problems.

Besides WR Brandon Marshall, who has a well-known history of off-field troubles, Emery acquired several others in the offseason who had run into some sort of trouble at some time in their careers but are expected to put it in the past -- or already have. They are: CB Kelvin Hayden (domestic battery), LB Geno Hayes (disorderly conduct arrest), RB Michael Bush (DUI charge), WR Eric Weems (DUI charge).

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